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iOS Databases
Welcome (2:25)
Materials for this Course
Why do you need a database? (3:11)
Module 1: Firebase
Introduction (3:37)
Installing Cocoapods (8:18)
Activity: Installing Cocoapods
Creating a New Firebase Project (11:21)
Activity: Creating a New Firebase Project
The Firestore Database (14:07)
Creating Data (15:57)
Activity: Creating Data
A Note on Downloading Projects (1:12)
Updating Data (8:22)
Activity: Updating Data
Deleting Data (2:45)
Activity: Deleting Data
Handling Errors (8:34)
Reading Data (10:17)
Activity: Reading Data
Listening for Data Changes (12:35)
Activity: Listening for Data Changes
Querying Data (13:40)
Compound Queries (10:02)
Modeling Data in Firestore (4:08)
Module 2: Firestore Journal App
Project Setup (25:26)
Retrieving Notes (21:35)
Viewing and Updating Notes (29:17)
Creating Notes (14:45)
Starring and Filtering (27:00)
Module 3: Swift Best Practices
Introduction (0:24)
Passing Closures Into Methods (8:14)
Optional Binding To Check For Nil (6:00)
Static Methods (5:52)
Module 4: The Photo App
Introduction (5:53)
Setup (28:45)
User Account Creation (18:34)
User Account Retrieval (29:24)
Create Profile (17:42)
Save User State (21:14)
Camera and Photo Library (24:16)
Firebase Storage (29:37)
Upload Progress (21:12)
Retrieve Photos (21:33)
Feed View Controller (29:29)
Styling (24:12)
Module 5: Core Data
Core Data Basics (6:31)
Core Data Setup in Xcode (22:31)
CRUD (20:02)
Sorting and Filtering (10:24)
Entities and Relationships (10:51)
Module 6: The Core Data Guidebook App
App Architecture (24:59)
Core Data Entities (3:55)
Preload Data (15:46)
Displaying Places (21:33)
Child View Controllers (22:17)
Info and Map View (8:16)
Adding Notes (21:23)
Displaying Notes (22:25)
Finishing Touches (10:20)
Module 7: Realm Database
Important Note About This Realm Database Module
Realm Setup (16:47)
Realm Objects (5:13)
Storage & Retrieval (16:18)
Filtering & Sorting (15:21)
Lists (25:19)
Module 8: The Realm Guidebook App
App Architecture (35:21)
Initial Data (15:18)
Places (12:08)
Detail View (9:30)
Notes (30:27)
Mapping (26:46)
Geolocation (23:58)
Faves (31:46)
Styling (28:44)
Initial Data
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