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Calculator App (SwiftUI) - Presented by Micah
Materials for this App
Lesson 1: App Architecture and Overview (2:05)
Lesson 2: Building the User Interface (19:16)
Lesson 3: Connecting the Calculator (14:34)
Lesson 4: Implementing the Clear Button (3:14)
Lesson 5: Implementing the Number Buttons (15:38)
Lesson 6: Implementing the Operators (14:46)
Lesson 7: Implementing the Equals Button (9:35)
Lesson 8: Implementing the Decimal Numbers (3:35)
YouTube App (SwiftUI) - Presented by Micah
Materials for this App
Lesson 1: Overview Setup and App Architecture (8:37)
Lesson 2: Introduction to the YouTube API (15:17)
Lesson 3: Parsing the JSON result (19:49)
Lesson 4: Retrieving the Data from YouTube (25:34)
Lesson 5: Building the User Interface (28:57)
Lesson 6: Implementing Google Sign In (22:41)
Lesson 7: Implementing Like and Subscribe (51:32)
YouTube App (UIKit)
Materials for this App
Introduction (5:05)
Getting Started with GitHub and Bitrise (30:41)
Starting with the YouTube API and Getting an API Key (26:05)
Configure Gitignore (5:01)
Swift Codable & the JSON Format (40:00)
Building our User Interface (37:32)
The Custom Video UITableViewCell (31:05)
Watch the Video in the Detail View (25:51)
Like and Subscribe! (45:20)
Full Stack Notes App (UIKit) - Presented by Ali
Materials for this App
Intro & Setting up the Database and Web Server (54:18)
Building the UI and Displaying the Data (29:08)
Implementing CRUD in Xcode (35:34)
Custom Cell and Code Organization (27:38)
Full Stack Notes App using Core Data (UIKit) - Presented by Ali
Materials for this App
Using Core Data (23:14)
Sound Recorder App (UIKit) - Presented by Ali
Materials for this App
Building the Sound Recorder App (40:11)
Calculator App (UIKit) - Presented by Ali
Materials for this App
Building the User Interface (20:56)
Implementing the Logic (65:58)
Calculator App using Programmatic UI (UIKit) - Presented by Ali
Materials for this App
Building the UI Programmatically (51:00)
Swift Codable & the JSON Format
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